What one can’t post on ConsuWeCusta:

The list below details what can’t be posted on ConsuWeCusta website. Please keep in mind that, while this list is intended to be thorough, we reserve the right to remove content that we feel is inappropriate. Here is the list.

  1. Adult-only content.
  2. Adult entertainment
  3. Adult toys or other erotic products
  4. Alcohol
  5. Animal parts
  6. Parts of protected species like ivory
  7. Capital bonds
  8. Cigarettes, cigars, loose tobacco and other related products.
  9. Dangerous chemicals
  10. Drugs and prescription goods
  11. Illegal drugs
  12. Prescription drugs/medicines
  13. Steroids
  14. Over the counter drugs
  15. Items designed only to help someone take drugs
  16. Fake, replica, or unauthorized trademark items
  17. Firearms, ammunition and equipment
  18. Guns, including air guns, BB guns, replica guns etc.
  19. Fireworks (of any kind)
  20. Flipper Zero Multi-tool Devices
  21. Gambling machines
  22. Fruit/slot machines
  23. Gas meter seals
  24. Human parts, remains, or services
  25. Blood, bone, and waste
  26. Donor, surrogacy, and fertility services
  27. Organs
  28. Sperm and eggs
  29. Items promoting hate, discrimination, or stereotypes of a particular group of people
  30. License Plate creation services or machines
  31. Lottery tickets
  32. Massage services where, we believe the user is advertising a sexual service
  33. Medical Grade PPE
  34. Prohibits tenants in making offers on accommodation that requests discounts or free in exchange for sexual relations or services
  35. Red diesel
  36. Security tag removal items
  37. Blocked phones ,iCloud locked iDevices.
  38. Supplements that contain DMAA
  39. Copied games, DVDs, and computer software
  40. Unlocking software (software that flashes, jailbreaks and such software)
  41. Key Programming devices and services
  42. Mileage Correction tools and services
  43. GPS & Signal jammers. “clock blocking” devices etc.
  44. Historical and ornamental weapons (like Samurai swords and bayonets.


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